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For this two press lines Unifour has delivered the ageing capacity. The complete automatic ageing line was connected to the two basket handling systems of the presses. With the possibility of 3 ageing oven each with a capacity of 2 x 2 piles of baskets, the flow of baskets is optimised. The ageing line is completely embedded in the automatic profile production and basket handling of the press line. Therefore a flawless production without operator interference is guaranteed.

Recently Extral Aluminium expanded the production of aluminium profiles with a fully automatic 7-inch press with a pressure of 2,200 tons and a 10-inch fully automatic press with a pressure of up to 4,000 tons. Both presses were placed in the newly created production hall and its launch allowed to increase the company's production capacity, thanks to which the Extral company will open up to new possibilities and increase the range of extruded profiles.

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+31 315 641 352
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