Automatic basket transport
Our oven systems are mostly a part in a bigger extrusion plant that can have a certain amount of automatised production. In case of automatic embedded operation of the basket handling and ovens, our installation must operate in a safe area. This can therefore be a part of a bigger safe area mostly provided by the profile handling supplier. The automatic area f.i. a crane for automatic basket manipulation (AMK) or conveyors must therefore be provided with safety fences. For the entrance of baskets and for the entrance of people we can provide the following elements:
Communication between different systems will go through the ProfiSafe protocol. In case of emergency stop all movements in our installation will stop, this means operation of doors and conveyors, but will not stop our heating and ventilators. In that case every emergency stop outside the ovens does not lead to rejection. For moving parts we normally assume a PLd level. The safety concept always have to be coordinated with the customer after completion of the final overall layout.
For the oven itself, an emergency stop on our switch board will stop the oven heating and ventilators immediately. Our ovens are furthermore provided with safety locks on the burner chamber doors. We also provide a safety opening cord inside the ovens. The cords will be alongside both side of the oven. In case of eventual lock in of a person the doors will always open.